Dane's Birthday Jubilee


Dane's Birthday Juibilee was a dungeons and dragons campaign i ran with my close friends for a couple of years. it was barely even dnd, and in hindsight we probably shouldve used a different game system. lots of stuff happened, but it really was all about Dane's 400th birthday.


A bed and breakfast owner called Bigtoe was pulled into the adventuring business by his extremely distant uncle, Dane, a funny old gnome going on 400. They were joined by a disgraced queen on the run from her former kingdom. The story follows this unlikely trio as they became involved in a resistance against the Radiant Parish, which had been rapidly taking over the continent of Aeyela, enacting a dangerous monotheistic hegemony that worshipped a deity of the sun, the Almighty Aubade. Hired by the mysterious leader of the Cloud Guild, an organization founded to oppose the Parish, our heroes were sent on missions to dispose of colossal, angelic beings that brought environmental destruction wherever they manifested, along with the Parish members that went after them.

Recommended Reading Order

If you are completely unfamiliar with DBJ, I would suggest starting with the "world" page if you like worldbuilding, and the "story" page if you want to jump straight into figuring out what the hell im always going on about. You can always hop between them to reference stuff.

The character pages will likely contain spoilers for those unfamiliar with the story, so I would save those for later. The same goes for the "art" page. But if you dont care about spoilers, by all means, do whatever!

A note to my players, my friends, my beloveds: I am going to do my best to keep everything on this site spoiler-free, in case we ever play again. There are still many secrets to be uncovered.

If you are not one of my players and would like to see uncensored character pages, bonus spoilery art, and my ideas for how the story may have progressed past the events of DBJ, head on over to The Parhelion Gate.

Please press play at the bottom to listen to the theme song my dear friend Solange made for our campaign! and I hope you enjoy my website about our silly little game!